Conditions for short and longer-term accommodation for UP students during the summer months

Monday 20 May 2024, 14:17 – Text: (skm, gsd)

From the 30th of June to the 2nd of September 2024, students of Palacký University can stay in the dormitories under the following conditions:

Long-term accommodation

- accommodation for 30 consecutive nights or more

- rooms are available in the 17. listopadu and Neředín dormitories

- the reservation of accommodation will be arranged by the dormitory officer or head manager of the Šmeralova, 17. listopadu or Neředín dormitories

- for stays shorter than 60 days, a local residence fee of CZK 50 per day is paid in addition to the accommodation fee

price list for long-term accommodation for UP students is available here

Short-term accommodation

- accommodation for less than 30 consecutive nights

- rooms are available at the Šmeralova17. listopadu and Neředín dormitories 

- accommodation is possible without prior reservation, it can be arranged in person on the day of arrival at the reception desks of Šmeralova or Neředín dormitories upon presentation of ISIC/student card; every day from 14:00 until 17:00 and from 18:00 until 23:00

- in addition to the accommodation fee, a local residence fee of CZK 50 per day is charged as well

- accommodation of the student's companion (guest) is possible according to the price list for short-term accommodation of guests

price list for short-term accommodation for UP students is available here



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