Who we are
Palacký University Accommodation and Dining Services Statement of Purpose (Czech only)
We are a services facility of Palacký University. Our main activities involve accommodation and dining for UP students and employees. Additional activities include accommodation, dining, catering and rental of premises to the public.
Our mission
Our mission is to support the students during their studies in Olomouc. We try to provide them with comfortable accommodation and dining. Our study rooms and other quiet zones create a good environment to study. We encourage healthy lifestyle – some of our facilities include table tennis rooms and gyms; all buildings are equipped with bicycle storage rooms.
Our mission: “A Good Place for Study and Life”
Why to choose us
Accommodation and dining are provided in the vicinity of the individual faculties, or in quiet locations. The majority of dormitories are located near the city centre, accompanied by university canteens. The campus includes indoor and outdoor sports facilities. Dormitories are study-friendly; they are equipped with study rooms and fast internet connection and provide accommodation for foreign students as well. Other facilities available include gyms, laundry rooms and TV rooms. University canteens are an inexpensive dining option complemented by additional sale at reception desks available almost nonstop. Barrier-free access and rooms are also available.

Who our services are intended for
Our services are intended primarily for the Palacký University students and employees. We also try to meet the needs of the students of other universities and secondary schools (above the age of 18 years). In addition, accommodation, dining, catering and rental of premises are provided to the public in case of free capacities.
Billing information
Palacký University Olomouc
Accommodation and Dining Services
779 00 Olomouc, Šmeralova 1122/12
Identification Number: 61989592