Encashment for dining online

Pondělí 17. září 2018, 16:38

We bring you a novelty when you can finally set up your online collection for meals. Just log in to: menza.upol.cz/WebKredit/ and fill in the necessary data in E-banking settings in the menu “Settings” and in its part E-Banking, you can browse or modify the data to perform eBanking. It is mainly the automatic evening up of the level of the diner’s account in Kredit by the means of the payment from their bank account.

·         Account number – it consists of prefix, account number itself and bank code. You will get this data from the bank which manages your bank account.

·         Variabilní symbol – this is a number (variable symbol) which is necessary to a proper function of the eBanking while it enables the pairing of the payment from the bank and Kredit system.

·         Specifický symbol – (specific symbol) is necessary only when it is demanded by the bank.

·         Even up level – the level of money to which the account should be evened up. When the transaction is performed, the account will be evened up to this level.

·         Minimum amount of encashment –  if the even up level minus the account balance is lower than the minimum amount of encashment, the encashment is not performed.

·         The information if the encashment is performed (or not). In case the choice “Pay encashment” is ticked, the encashment is active according to input parameters. In case the choice is not ticked, the encashment is not performed even if the parameters are present.

·         Reset account – if you press this button, your account in Kredit will be reset (while the money from Kredit will be sent to your bank account) as soon as possible (during the soonest encashment generation). Before that (this transaction has to be confirmed by the bank), the money stays at the Kredit account, however, it is blocked and cannot be used.

·         Save changes – if you press this button, your changes will be saved in the system.

Do not forget to allow the money drawing from your bank account!


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